Manna Counselling Haoli Rein Counselling Therapist in Swindon, Wiltshire

Couples Counselling #01

Counselling for Couples

Couples are also unique, but when working with relationship issues, I draw heavily from "Attachment Theory" and an approach called "Emotionally Focused Therapy", which has been shown to be particularly effective for couples work. If you'd like to know more about it, you can read up on the ICEEFT website.

This way of working doesn't only look at troublesome behaviour between couples, but also goes deeper to what is behind the behaviour. It looks at the deep longings of each person and aims at replacing negative cycles with interactions which develop a greater feeling of bonding between the partners.

In this way the relationship itself becomes a safe haven and a healing environment in which both partners are able to explore what's going on - and to find support and encouragement from the relationship once again, instead of anger, blame and accusations - all of which tear the couple apart.

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